Your Tribute - Permanent Online Memorials
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Write The Obituary
Add their photo, name, age, location and the obituary (with unlimited text).

"You will never know how grateful I am for Your Tribute! The Memorial Website that you provide is of the finest quality I have ever seen.
It is actually a life saver, as it gives such comfort to a bereaved mother as I am. Mainly because it is so simple to write in and operate.
I just wanted everyone there at the Your Tribute to know how grateful I am for this beautiful website!
I will praise the Your Tribute Memorial Websites to everyone I know! God Bless You All In The Support Desk for your help."

Free Online Obituaries
for your loved ones

Quickly and easily create free online obituaries with Your Tribute - no cost, no commitment.

Personalize the obituaries, share memories and receive condolences from friends and family. Online obituaries remain online forever to provide an everlasting record of your loved one's life.

Add Their Story
Share memories, milestones, important dates, facts and more on the Story page.

Share With Others
Integrated Facebook, Twitter and other tools make it easy to share the obituary with friends and family.

Online Permanently
The free obituary remains online permanently to provide an everlasting record of their life.

Choice of Theme
Personalize your online obituary with one of our designer themes. Sky, Sunsets, Flowers and more!

Unlimited Condolences
Receive unlimited guestbook messages and virtual gifts from your friends and family members.

Free Online Obituaries (Sky Theme)

Get started now!

Create Free Online Obituaries for your Loved Ones.
Get started in seconds, no credit card, no commitment.

Shari S. - Northridge, California

What is Your Tribute? A web-based tool that lets you create permanent online obituaries to remember the life of loved ones. Free online obituaries provide many of the same features as popular social networking and photo sharing websites in a personalized easy-to-use interface.

Why Your Tribute? Since 2002 has provided a safe and secure environment for friends and family to connect and share memories. Free online obituaries can be created in minutes, but remain online forever to provide an everlasting record of the person’s life.

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Sample Free Online Obituaries